Avis Anmeldelser

: 3
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Mest relevante negative anmeldelse

Rented a car
Absolutely abismal service. The car broke twice in three days, essentially ruining the holiday. T...Læs om
Alec Martens

Mest stemmer anmeldelse

Mixed Experience with Avis
Mixed Experience with AvisLæs om
Markus Raun

Anmeldelser (3)






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    Vil handle her igen

    Mixed Experience with Avis

    Mixed Experience with Avis

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    Vil handle her igen

    Rented a car

    Absolutely abismal service. The car broke twice in three days, essentially ruining the holiday. The car was never replaced even though we asked. They just jumped the battery and wished us luck. It was impossible to get a hold of anyone. They were either closed or you have navigate a maze of phone prompts to only end up speaking to someone in the UK! When I returned they charged me for “damages” and “down time” but won’t provide proof that they fixed the scratch on the rim. They didn’t fix the previous scratches just informed me about them, so what am I paying for?! And to top it off I still have 4330,21 dkk pending on my card two weeks later and just got a mystery charge of 1750dkk with no explanation. I paid for the car and “damages” when I dropped it off. Don’t rent from these people. They are just trying to rip you off.

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    Leje varebil

    Desværre har vi ingen mulighed pt til at købe mad til vores børn pga en reservation af et stort beløb der er blevet lagt på mit kort, vedr et lejemål jeg aldrig har booked. Har ringet til kundeservice hverdag men de kan ikke finde ud af at sende skriftlig bekræftelse til min bank at reservationen er en fejl og kan blive slettet🤷‍♀️🫣

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